
This page is my digital sketchbook where I can express/document my creativity. Feel free to browse around, take in the art. Let me know what you think! 

xx -Such 


I, Me aur Main

Hi! My name is Suchi (soo-chee) but not a heavy oo? I'm just another brown girl looking for a creative outlet. My day to day consist of attending the University of Florida, reciting New Girl, and engaging in small creative projects on the side. My work is inspired by my best known muse, me. My Indian culture, life, and hardships drive my work. Artists and movements that inspire me include, but aren't limited to: Pop Art and Contemporary Art. I believe these forms to be the most relevant to our time therefore the most engaging to work with. Iā€™m inspired by the lives and work of Frida Khalo, Andy Warhol, Roy Liechtenstein and Pauline Gagnon.
